Here's the thing. Well, two things. I went online to make a new post, and got a message that my blog name was available to register. What the hell???
So I came to blogger, and here I am. Now I'm just confused. And dizzy.
I went to a dozen docs, and particularly one of the "top docs" for dizziness in the city. They did terrible things to me there, just to see IF I was actually dizzy. Oh yeah. I was sick for a week after those wonderful tests. They did brain scans, cat scans, and every kind of expensive thing, but did not find anything broken.
Now, as a last ditch effort, they want me to take diuretics. I remember my mother taking them to get rid of water on her ankles. I don't remember how much she was in the bathroom, but it was not as often as I already am.
I have not felt like this for months. Really bad. So maybe I take just one more drug. Or maybe I go on the all raw diet. I am not sure about those people. They claim it brings health and vitality if the most you heat anything is 118 degrees. Why? I just don't know. It sounds totally arbitrary. Obviously animal protein is out, as is sugar, although maple syrup is okay with them.
What you don't know about maple syrup: it's not a sweet as you thought. It's the corn syrup pancake liquid that is sweet. I like it. I am used to my food tasting bright and delicious. I can go without some things but the sugar thing: that's the killer.
I really should ditch any baked goods, and all sugar. I should live on lettuce and water as a friend told me.
Then he put me on embargo, so I don't know how good a friend he really is. Okay, that was something you don't need to read, but I'll leave it there anyway.
I gotta go out now. I'll be walking so if I collapse someone will find me, covered with ants (the ants are really getting to me these days) and wrappers discarded from foods at the Wawa convenience store.
Okay I sound nuts, but I can delete this all later.
I think you should stick to fiction
ReplyDeleteOh girl! Have you googled home remedies??
ReplyDeleteI am feeling so much better since I gave up flour and sugar.